
When money is involved we are always told to stick in there. Don’t like your job? Don’t worry just think about the money going into your account at the end of the month. Not getting paid enough? It’s fine just stick it out until you find a better option.

I bring this up because this is the opinion of most people that surround me. Barely surviving has become the new living.

Let me put this into perspective. When we talk about love we state that love is not always enough. To have love does not determine you will have happiness. To those who are in abusive relationships, unfaithful and emotionally draining relationships, we advise that they leave as no amount of love can convince us that what they are going through is worth the pain.

So what makes money worth it all? Don’t get me wrong, money has long motivated me to get out of my bed and attend things I never wanted to. But then what?! We endure what we never dreamed of enduring for that cheque which is then spent on vices to drown our sorrows and we end right back at square one by the next months cheque.

What makes us fear the unknown? We envy luxury, begin stalking the rich and famous in hopes of being able to live like them one day. But we never consider the struggle. The struggle which enabled them to sit on their gold plated pedestal. They never settled for less. If you want anything in this world you have to take it. Being broke, homeless, hungry, travelling the world with no possessions, these things have no appeal when said outright, forces us to be reigned in. Keeps us in the smaller jobs we never wanted to do, I mean someone has to do it.

Personally I have feared that I’ll go from barely living to not living at all in comparison to landing feet first into my dreams. When I look back my happiest memories were created when I had no money.

We have become paper chasers who fear the day when there is no more paper but yet even when we have it we are not content. We watch others and compare. We begin measuring everything in work units, e.g. For me to purchase those luxury items I will have to work ? many hours.

I am just now realising how restrictive my fear has been.

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